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Utilization Of Electronic Cigarettes

14.05.2023 от sjgsonja7211647 0

Text is out there below the Artistic Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0; additional phrases could apply. ISSN 1438-8871. PMC 5869180. PMID 29530840. This text incorporates text by Greta Hsu, Jessica Y Sun, and Shu-Hong Zhu out there under the CC BY 4.Zero license. 1-24. This article incorporates textual content from this supply, ( which is in the public domain. Royal Society for Public Health. Journal of Public Health Policy. International Journal of Drug Policy.

United States Food and Drug Administration. Yu, Sheila; Escobedo, Patricia; Garcia, Robert; Cruz, Tess; Unger, Jennifer; Baezconde-Garbanati, Lourdes; Meza, Leah; Sussman, Steve (2018). «A Descriptive Longitudinal Study of Changes in Vape Shop Characteristics and Store Policies in Anticipation of the 2016 FDA Regulations of Tobacco Products, Including E-Cigarettes». Galstyan, Ellen; Galimov, Artur; Sussman, Steve (2018). «Commentary: The Emergence of Pod Mods at Vape Shops». Hsu, Greta; Sun, Jessica Y; Zhu, Shu-Hong (2018).

«Evolution of Electronic Cigarette Brands From 2013-2014 to 2016-2017: Analysis of Brand Websites». Khachatoorian, Careen; Jacob, Peyton; Sen, Amy; Zhu, Yifang; Benowitz, Neal L.; Talbot, Prue (2019). «Identification and quantification of digital cigarette exhaled aerosol residue chemicals in area sites». Bhatnagar, [] A.; Whitsel, L. P.; Ribisl, K. M.; Bullen, C.; Chaloupka, F.; Piano, M. R.; Robertson, R. M.; McAuley, T.; Goff, D.; Benowitz, N.

(24 August 2014). «Electronic Cigarettes: A Policy Statement From the American Heart Association». Juliette Fairley (4 November 2014).